Sunday, 5 January 2014

Slim Down Saturday

I'm really glad to have found this linky from Gina over at Third Grade Tidbits because I am trying to keep myself accountable to goals I have set this year.
I have been uncomfortable with my weight since about the age of 9. It is something that is constantly on my mind, unfortunately, so is food. My laziness knows no bounds and my slim husband is even lazier than me!
In 2010, when I was still working part-time as a teacher I joined Slimming World (a WW type group) with my friend. I lost lots of weight, but not really because I had bothered to change my eating habits, but mainly because I had more time. I worked out and went running, didn't have a driver's license, so walked everywhere. Who knew that starting to work full-time would be so exhausting, I give major brownie points to those teachers that squeeze workouts in during school time.

So here it is:

I've decided that my main resolution for this year isn't 'to lose weight' but the need to feel comfortable in my own skin. 
This pic was from the summer of 2010, lots of working out and probably the closest I came to being okay with myself. I now wish that I had appreciated the hard work I put in because I DEFINITELY don't look like this anymore.

My positives have been that I am trying to be more aware of my portion sizes while I eat and to stop eating when I'm satisfied, it doesn't matter if there is food left on the plate!
I also may have a bit of  an addiction to sugar and really craved/needed something sweet after dinner. It got the the point of finishing off whole packets of wafers or a sharing bag of M&Ms. I've really made a point of ignoring that craving after dinner and trying not to eat too late.

I want to start incorporating more fruit and veg, which I think will be much easier with school about to start. We are usually good about having some throughout the day, but with the break we've not had much at all.

My goals for next week are to continue to lessen my portion sizes and going to the gym. My husband and I have been gyming it up during the break and I've also managed to go indoor climbing and to a step class...all easily done when you don't have to work. We are both really keen to continue going to the gym during school time.

My one word for this week is organization. If I'm organised with what dinners I'm making for the week, there will be less inclination towards a takeout or something unhealthy. If we say we are going to the gym, I need to make sure I organise myself to be able to go straight after school, instead of coming home. 

Can't wait to see how everyone else is going to get on. Thanks again Gina for creating this linky.

Oh yea, one more thing,
I am really enjoying using some of the ideas on my Pinterest board. 


  1. I'm totally do the same thing when eating and feel like I have to finish everything on my plate! I read an article that talked about how healthy people eat until they are satisfied and overweight people eat until they are full and sometimes stuffed. That's so me. This needs to be a goal of mine too! Good luck on your journey!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  2. I know how you feel about getting it all together once we go back to work. I am already worried about it because I just want to sleep after wok! I am really hoping this blog series will help us all not give up. I am so excited to see everyone linking up and holding themselves accountable. Thanks for joining and I can't wait to see your progress!
    Third Grade Tidbits

  3. Ah, fitness. I've been struggling with this for awhile now. Due to my chronic sinuses and tiredness from work, working out has fallen to the side. I really want to improve that this year! I also have a massive sweet tooth and struggle with eating sweets daily. Good luck to you!!!


  4. Hi Becky! Found you through the Saturday Slimdown! Sugar is an addiction I share with you! I became a vegetarian about 6 years ago and had no problem giving up meat. But I don't think I could actually give up sugar! I am also a newbie blogger! I am your newest follower! I am really liking Bloglovin' for following blogs. It's a great way to see everything in one place!

    Kate :)
    McDee's Busy Bees
