Saturday, 6 April 2013

Five for Friday...Spring Break

I've decided to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching this week for her Five for Friday. I've loved reading other bloggers' Friday link ups, but have never managed to join up...mainly because by Friday I can't remember what had happened that morning, much less the whole week!
I'm on spring break this week and still manage to have my wits about me this weekend. I do feel a bit bad because this is mainly going to be me showing off my amazing week :)
1. We have spring break for a total of 17 days! In England they have 'bank holidays' which are public holidays. So everyone got the Friday and Monday before Easter off. We also get two weeks and then it's into the summer terms! Is it me or has this year flown by!
2. Booked for Dan and I to get away for a few days. I don't know why I booked for us to go to Warwickshire, but that is where we ended up. We live in the most inconvenient place in England, so it takes us forever to get anywhere. I decided we should drive across the country?! (3 and a bit hours later ...)

My version of our drive. England doesn't have straight roads and their freeways will suddenly end and you are in the middle of a town or village.

3. In the end I was soooo glad we booked our random time in Warwickshire. One thing we did was put our National Trust Membership to good use. We went to 3 country houses in 3 days! Love the history each house has. Most of them were built hundreds of years before America was even a country.

Charlecote House

Upton House -  a 'weekend house'

4. We wandered round Stratford-Upon-Avon, famous birth place of Shakey aka William Shakespeare. What a freakin' beautiful town. Lots of the buildings are from the Tudor period! We even managed to see Hamlet at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Feeling very cultured that day.
Lovely, but not sure how structurally sound those walls are.

Love the amazing wood detail, yea I'm a geek.
5. The main reason to get away was to have a few days not stressing about school and wedding planning. Now that we're home I'm freaking out because my package of invites being sent to California has still not arrived!!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Currently ... April

All of my favourite bloggers link up with Farley over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for her currently. I decided to give it a try. As you can tell from my blog, I'm not very computer savvy.
If you want to link up with Farley.