Friday 15 February 2013

Clutter Free Desk

I have been an avid follower of Clutter Free Classroom since the summer. In the new year she set challenges to her followers to become more organised and create a clutter free classroom of their own. If I'm honest, all her weekly challenges have been great but not ones I am quite ready to undertake. I moved into my lovely classroom in September and inherited a vast array of items, from pens to dominoes to plans for every subject! There are many things I need to sort through, but I don't think two hours after school, on top of actual work, was enough time to tackle these jobs.
But finally...this week...Challenge accepted. The challenge involved organising your desktop space, something I was looking forward to since my desk area had gotten a bit out of control.
My desktop Monday! Aahhh!!!

My magazine holders, which were supposed to help keep my desk area organised. As you can see the 'Needs Marking' box was quite full.

Oh god! The area next to my desk where things were getting thrown when I didn't  have room on my desk.
I started by sorting the papers I had on my desk. Some of them ended up filed away in the bin and the rest were organised into students' subject folders and books. 
Getting there.
By Friday I had managed to mark and pass out all those papers and clear off my desktop! Hurrah. What a fabulous way to end my week and start my half-term break.
Ahhh clutter free!

I am so glad everything now has a place. I've decided to bin the 'needs marking' holder in order to house my maths resource books.

I promise the next post will be something more exciting. 

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